Sunbird Farms has Ixworth Hatching Eggs Available Now!
Ixworth Chicken
We have been waiting a long time to work with the amazing Ixworth from England. This bird has been on our wish list for years. The Ixworth is a native of England where it has a reputation as a top-shelf meat bird. However, they had fallen out of favor in modern times and there weren’t any sources available in the U.S.
But early this year we were able to purchase a few hatches of these amazing birds from our friends at Greenfire Farms. Uncertain as to how they would do on our farm, we crossed our fingers.
Ixworth at Sunbird Farms
We raised two flocks of these white wonders this spring and we are very pleased with our results. While some culling was needed and will continue to be necessary, we ended up with a lovely flock of Ixworth.
For foragers, they are perfect. The love to venture out into the orchard and rustle up their own grub. They cast quite a dramatic figure under the trees; bright white feather with a ruby red pea comb and waddles.
While our winters can be mild, our summers are punishing. Fear not, the Ixworth have made it without a hitch. They continue to lay a significant number of pinkish medium eggs without regard to weather fluctuations.
Ixworth on the Table
As for their reputation for a table bird, well see below for yourselves. Looking at them from above, it’s easy to see their Cornish influence, the “heart-shaped” breast clearly evident. A heritage breed, they are slower growing but fill out wonderfully around 22 weeks. Time in the orchard foraging ensures that the Ixworth will provide a full and flavorful Sunday dinner.

Ixworth Hatching Eggs
The Ixworth is a wonderful breed and we are certain you will agree. Right now, we have a limited number of hatching eggs available and will ship to anywhere in the United States. The cost is just $70, which includes packaging and shipping. We always try to send extras. Order your Ixworth hatching eggs today before they’re all gone!